Sunday, March 21, 2010

Report on the day

Well, I'm off to bed in a moment, and just thought I'd blog a bit (this is getting quite addicting!). I'm going to try to start the day fresh in the morning. It's gonna be a bit of a crazy day since we have to go to Etobicoke right after the kids leave for school for some family counselling (that is where the LDSFS is and it's about an hour drive from here). It's good that we're getting some professional help, but it's yet another stress as I won't be able to get up and attack the house like I'd want to (after having the kids home all week, a LOT of things slid by the wayside)

My goal then, is to have the kitchen tidied before we leave (the dining room too would be bonus!) and to have decent lunches for the children. All this and get myself and all 7 children ready for the day before 9am. Hm.

This morning did not go the best. I ended up carrying my son to the car in his pjs because he refused to get dressed for church. Then I carried him into the church (fireman carry) to the men's room with his clothes so he could change. Not the best start to the day. I didn't end up walking because right when I was about to leave, that's when my husband came down the stairs and was .. I dunno, put out? that I was about to leave with none of the children. We were 40 minutes late for church. I really struggle with this, how to get there on time and still be in the mood, or rather have the spirit to actually get anything out of being there!

Going to try to fit some movement into my day tomorrow. Maybe I could get up a smidge early and do some yoga stretches, if nothing else. I really like yoga (well, what I've learned of it from the wii!). It feels good to stretch and bend, however I am extremely NOT flexible. I'd like to change that. I used to be pretty flexible as a child. Ok, it's after 11. I'm off to bed.

more griping... ugh how can I turn this more positive?

Well, I'm feeling like I want to complain.. but I'm going to TRY to be positive. I have a friend who is big into The Secret and all that 'you attract what you put out there' stuff. It makes sense, so I've been trying. It's just...

Woke up this morning and got myself ready for church, hubby's still in bed even after being nudged twice. I 'woke' the kids but only one of them got out of bed, to my knowledge and she's still in pjs. I'm of a mind to just walk to church on my own, get exercise in and try to recharge myself spiritually anyway, because if I go in and drag them all out of bed, they'll all be miserable and so will I. I hear it in Fast and Testimony meeting all the time, and in talks from older, wiser people too, about how everyone goes through that 'why do I bother' phase with a family and young children (or teen children, for that matter) but seriously? How am I supposed to get anything out of church when I get so ANGRY getting everyone ready and out the door that I can't possibly feel the spirit?? *sigh* Ok, I was going to be positive I said..

One more try at waking them while staying positive, and if they don't get ready on time, I'm out the door to walk in 12 minutes!! (I need a half hour to get there with time to spare.) Anyone ready is welcome to join me walking. Yup.. this probably isn't the right way to deal but it's what I'm doing this week. Ugh, I feel like I really need to get the spiritual stuff on track too. I mean, if I get all fit and healthy but we don't have family prayers or family home evening, I'm really failing at this life. My job here (now that I have children) is to teach them and help them on the path that will bring them back to Heavenly Father, right? I mean, everything else is just gravy. (hm, weird choice of words considering.. lol)

Oh and on another note, I've never thought of this journey (weightloss) as a 'diet'. We don't even use that word in this house. I've always known that this is a lifestyle change. I need to set myself up for the rest of this life. I need to change my bad habits and start eating to fuel my body to do all I need it to do, not eat just because it's there or it tastes really good. (and I KNOW I can have food for fuel that ALSO tastes good!) It's just a matter of making those changes. I have never been on a 'diet' as such. This is something I know I need to do.. permanently. And calorie counting.. well I don't really do that, but just read labels and I've become so much more aware of portion sizes and just how many calories are in a given food, not to really 'count' but more to compare.. I could have a quarter cup of something.. or 2 cups! Which do I really want? You know? Ok, off to wake kids again!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ok, totally random post...

Well, I just went for a walk with my daughter, A3, and I enjoyed it. She's only 9 so really, she shouldn't be concerned about her weight but she is. She's not fat or anything, but she's bigger than her sisters so she is self conscious. That and the wii fit plus told her that she's 'at risk' of being overweight, so she wants to walk with me.. which is good for me because it gets me going, but I hope I'm not reinforcing her idea that she has any issues. For now I'm going to think it's a positive thing, instilling exercise as fun, enjoyable recreation.

The BAD news is, she asked me if we could go for a walk to Tim Horton's. (for those not aware, Tim Horton's is a coffee shop/donut chain we have here). We did, and she bought herself a donut. I did mention to her that our walks won't be much help to our fitness if they always have a destination of sweet treats! She acknowledged that and suggested we just walk every day and only go to a sweet treat location once a week... or a couple times a month. I didn't get anything at Timmie's except for an ice water. Here comes the random bit...

The girl there gave me an ice water in a coffee cup, with the lid that you fold back that little section to drink out of... you know? Well, I felt weird walking home holding that coffee cup! How weird is that? Maybe I've just discovered another idiosyncrasy of mine that could affect my journey. Why do I care what people driving by in their cars think of what I'm drinking?? I felt the need to explain that it wasn't coffee, and that it was just water! To CARS! I didn't say it out loud.. I just felt really weird. I was thinking how people looking at us would think I was having a coffee. Like how dumb is that? Who cares if they thought that? I don't know them. And even if I did.. why do I feel the need to explain myself to others? I know it's just water and my daughter knows it's just water... This is seriously neurotic I think. I dunno. I'm so weird.

March Madness

...and no, I don't mean the basketball playoffs! Things have been so.. well I was going to say things have been so crazy around here that the month just flew by, but really things have been no different than usual. That's LIFE! That's my problem I think, more than anything. I KNOW what food I should and shouldn't be eating. I KNOW I need to use more calories than I take in, and I KNOW that the calories I take in matter (as in, I know I can't just have a high calorie chocolate binge and not eat the rest of the day because it won't all work out!) For me it's more because of not making time, not making this thing (weightloss), not making ME a priority. It's really hard! I mean, I know they all say, you have to make time for yourself so you can be fit for your family.. blah blah blah. Really, how do you do that when someone needs to pick them up from sports, and someone needs to get supper on, and someone needs to put the laundry on, then fold the clothes, then make sure they get to the kids' rooms and then ACTUALLY get put away in the drawers or else you end up washing clean clothes again!!! And not to mention changing baby diapers and oh yeah, nursing the baby!! SHeesh! I WANT to put myself first, I WANT to go get my nails done, I even WANT to go for a walk at night... or morning. I just can't seem to actually DO it.

Here's my excuse bag: I feel gung-ho and motivated in the mornings. Unfortunately, I can't just think of myself in the AM. I want to get up and go for a walk (and work into a run, but right now I just don't like running!) but moments after my feet hit the floor, I have to get 5 kids up for school and breakfast and lunches made, while still juggling the two babies that need diaper changes, and someone to dress them, and then breakfast for them as well, not to mention the nursing again. I know these are all excuses.. and I know that 'if you want it badly enough, you'll find a way' but that's where I am right now. I want this SO badly.. I just feel really guilty if I sacrifice time that my kids NEED for myself. And before anyone says it, let me just say that the whole waking up at 6am to work out.. doesn't happen. I did it for about 3 weeks in January, and the last week I kinda fizzed out from lack of sleep. With what goes on in this house, I'm lucky to get to bed before midnight even though I'd like to be in bed before 11 (at 10 preferably). I just can't seem to function on 6 hours sleep. I end up exhausted and falling asleep at the mid afternoon feeding when I'm trying to put the baby to sleep. Maybe that has something to do with my nutrition but I don't know. I feel tired that time of day regardless of what I've eaten.

On another note, I'm trying to get the exercise in. Last night, the family went for a long walk after dinner. The down side is that our walk took us to Dairy Queen, and most of the family got a ride home. :( However, myself, and the two babies (in the stroll) and the two oldest girls (who were on bikes) did walk/bike back home, and it was a good time, we were having lots of fun and laughing a lot. So I don't know if I ended that excursion with positive or negative calories. Oh well.. Off to do some dishes. Maybe I'll fit a walk in there before bed. *sigh*